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Selectmen Meeting Minutes 05-15-08 Special Meeting
The Board of Selectman held a Special Meeting, Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 7:30 in the Old Courtroom in the Edmond Town Hall.  First Selectman Borst called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.

PRESENT:  First Selectman Joseph Borst, Selectman Herb Rosenthal, Selectman Paul Mangiafico.

ALSO PRESENT:  Ad Hoc Committee members for Long Range Planning Anna Wiedemann, Kathy Fetchick and Michael Floros, three members of public and one member of the press.

VOTER COMMENTS:  None noted.

Discussion and possible action regarding Long Range Planning.

        Ms. Fetchick and Ms. Wiedemann addressed the Board regarding their research thus far, Strategic Plans reviewed from different towns across the State (See Attachment A).  Selectman Mangiafico asked how the Strategic Plans from neighboring towns were reviewed.  Ms. Wiedemann stated that the Ad Hoc committee reviewed Plans individually and then came together collectively to look at the best points from each.  Selectman Rosenthal stated that currently the Planning and Zoning Commission is the guardian of the Conservation Strategic Plan.  Typically the Office of Policy and Management should review Plans and keep some kind of monitoring system to ensure Plans are updated but right now there are no local repercussions.
        Selectman Mangiafico asked the Ad Hoc Committee why there was essentially no reference to the Board of Education in the Strategic Plan as it currently reads, as it would be difficult to have a Strategic Plan without input from such a large stake holder.  Ms. Wiedemann responded that there was briefly some mention of the Board of Education however spoke more to land use (as the Plan is prepared by Planning and Zoning).  Selectman Rosenthal added that at the time the Strategic Plan was prepared, the Board of Education offered little cooperation and gave very little comment or suggestion however hearings, meetings and workshops were held to try and involve all possible interested parties.  Ms. Fetchick stated that the projection for the new Plan definitely includes the Board of Education.  Ms. Fetchick went on to say that the Town should have a vision looking ahead 10 – 20 years, each area needs to have a mission and Plan should be connected to the budget process to ensure that it gets done.
        Selectman Mangiafico asked the Ad Hoc Committee what exactly the word “Vision” refers to.  Ms. Fetchick stated that “Vision” is a broad statement and is not meant to specify on one area, she gave the example of Park & Recreation saying that they need more fields – but where is the vision for the fields in respect to the Town in the larger picture, how does it all fit in together.  Selectman Rosenthal added that the “vision” should be supported and embraced by the Town.
        Ms. Fetchick stated that the Town of Farmington did a very good job with their Strategic Plan and has been very successful in their Town leadership enthusiastically supporting


the Plan.  She went on to state that they have a hired facilitator to keep on task and to make sure the Plan is monitored.  Ms. Wiedemann added that the Town of Farmington has online resources, information, meetings and surveys which all contributes to their success and in keeping everyone communicating and informed. Mr. Floros stated that in breaking up the Strategic Plan into sections helps to specify what needs to be accomplished as outlined in the Plan.  Ms. Fetchick reiterated that someone needs to have ownership over the Plan as Newtown is a big corporation (financially) and without an individual facilitator to monitor progress the Plan will remain as it has been.  Ms. Fetchick added that it seems as though the Superintendant of Schools, Janet Robinson is supportive of going ahead with the Plan.  
        Selectman Borst asked if the Ad Hoc Committee would be able to provide a list of all people contacted thus far in beginning stages.  Ms. Fetchick stated that would not be a problem.  
        Selectman Mangiafico asked about the action teams in the proposed Draft Plan, if 12 – 15 people per group was a lot. Mr. Floros stated that once a group is broken down it really is not a lot of people and gave the example of Public Safety which encompasses Police, Fire, Ambulance and other Emergency Personnel would be 8 to 10 people right there to represent the group.  
        Selectman Mangiafico asked how the Town of Newtown was similar or different from the Towns of Cheshire and Farmington which were mentioned in the Draft Plan for comparision purposes.  Ms. Fetchick stated that they are similar Towns in wealth status.  Selectman Rosenthal added that the Towns are similar Economic Reference Groups.  
Mr. Floros stated that the Plan needs to be one that is flexible and change with the surrounding town, the plan cannot remain the same for ten years until it is revisited again to modify.  Selectman Mangiafico stated that it is easier to make smaller adjustments than larger ones.  
        Selectman Rosenthal commended the Ad hoc Committee on a good job in preparing the Draft Plan and good that it mentioned a connection to the budget process.
First Selectman Borst asked if the Ad Hoc Committee had any interested people who may want to serve on a Long Range Planning Committee to get the process started.  Ms. Fetchick stated that it may depend on what the next few steps would involve, she said that she would prefer the Board of Selectmen to review and discuss the Draft  Plan to decide what the best next step would be as there will be a lot of work ahead demanding time and resources.  Ms. Wiedemann added that members such as Peter Marshall, Jeff Dent and Jerry Robilotti are currently all busy.
        Selectman Mangiafico asked the Ad Hoc Committee what they thought the next step should be.  Ms. Fetchick responded that the process should be tested and definitely communication is a very important issue (of which they were unable to fit into the Draft Plan thus far).  She went on to say that it seems as though people want a long range plan but perhaps do not understand what it really entails; it will not come together as quickly as they’d hoped.  Selectman Rosenthal added that if it were an easy task then there’d be more than two towns demonstrating a successful Plan.  


        Selectman Mangiafico questioned the Ad Hoc Committee on what they felt would be important to try and avoid.  Ms. Fetchick stated that it would be a mistake not tying the Plan in with the budget.  Ms. Wiedemann added that it would also be detrimental to not include Communication as an integral piece of the Plan.  
        Ms. Fetchick added that perhaps the next step would be just to get people interested and enthusiastic about the proposed Plan and helping them to really understand what it is and how it can be beneficial.
        Selectman Rosenthal stated that keeping Planning and Zoning in some of the planning processes might be a good idea so as to not let it seem as though the responsibility is not being taken away from them but more so just being expanded upon. Ms. Fetchick agreed and added that what Planning and Zoning has started is a great jumping off point.  
        Selectman Rosenthal stated that he would like to see what opinions the Legislative Council has to offer on the proposed Draft Plan before deciding on the next step.  The Board was in agreement.  

Having no further business Selectman Rosenthal moved to adjourn the special meeting at 8:50p.m.  Selectman Mangiafico seconded motion.  All were in favor.  

Respectfully Submitted, Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk

First Selectman, Joseph Borst